A downloadable game


To grow as many flowers as you can.

At the start of the game there is a lot of space for everyone to grow their flowers on,

but after a bit of flower growing, the space will run out and you will have to fight other teams on the space that is left.


You play as the yellow/orange team.

Flowers will create new flower of their own type next to them every few seconds.

Flowers that are surrounded by other teams' flowers will die.

You can plant a new flower every 1.5 seconds (The planting cooldown can be seen using the bar under the cursor.).

The game is 60 seconds long and the winner is the team that had the most flowers at the end of the game.

The colorful bar on the top of the screen shows you the quantities of each team's flowers, and the timer above it shows you the seconds left until the game end.

Flower types:

- Specializes in damage to other teams' flowers.

- Can handle large quantities of other teams' flowers.

- Makes his surrounding team mates capable of handling larger quantities of other teams' flowers.


Left mouse button to plant flowers and click buttons.

Scroll wheel to switch between different types of flowers (The gray flower icon on the top left side of the window shows you the selected flower type.).

Tools used:

Programming: Game Maker 1.4

Graphics: Game Maker 1.4 and Aseprite

Sound effects: sfxr


Power Plant.exe 2.3 MB
Power Plant (Source Code).zip 431 kB

Install instructions

To play the game:

Download the file, and double click it.

To be able to look at the source code you need to have Game Maker installed.

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